Eqyss Micro-Tek Pet Shampoo (16 oz)

Eqyss Micro-Tek Pet Shampoo (16 oz)
Micro- Tek Pet Shampoo for dogs and cats is fast and effective at relieving irritated skin, eliminating odor and soothing itchy skin. Using a patent pending formula developed from NASA research on the decontamination of astronauts, Micro- Tek Pet Shampoo soothes skin on contact! The formula is safe for use on puppies and kittens, contains no soap or harsh detergents and will not burn or hurt open wounds. It is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Ideal for use on flea bites, hot spots, and dry itchy skin. Soothes dry flaky skin conditions Accelerates healing Non-toxic Product codes: 786232106405 85012

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